Latest Figures On COVID-19
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Start a confidential COVID-19 self-assessment.
Need To Apply For An Exemption?
Apply for an exemption from soft curfew using our online form.
Latest Advice
There are 5 levels of suppression
The details are are unique to each island, and two islands may be on the same level at the same time but have different provisions. See below for the specific details.
Grand Cayman
Grand Cayman is operating from suppression level 3 as of Tuesday, 19 May. Restrictions were partially lifted as of Monday, 1 June and additional restrictions will be lifted from Sunday, 7 June. Download pdf.
Cayman Brac
Cayman Brac is operating under suppression level 3. Download pdf.
Little Cayman
Little Cayman is operating under suppression level 2. Download more details.
On Monday, 1 June, the Prevention, Control and Suppression of Covid-19 (Partial Lifting of Restrictions) Regulations, 2020 came into effect.
Grand Cayman
Grand Cayman is currently following a "soft curfew" during the day from 4:30am to 8pm, followed by a "hard curfew" each night from 8pm to 4:30am.
The soft curfew allows the population limited movement to conduct essential tasks and is provided for under the Regulations under the Public Health Law. The hard curfew at nighttime is enacted by order of the Commissioner of Police under the Police Law.
Residents are reminded that staying home, practising social distancing, and frequent hand washing will reduce the potential spread of COVID-19. Physical distancing and wearing of masks or cloth face coverings in public places is legally required.
Read our Curfew & Social Distancing page to understand what is permitted.
Cayman Brac
Regulations under the Public Health Law place certain restrictions on activities in Cayman Brac. There is also a daily hard curfew from 8pm to 4:30am in accordance with the Police Law.
Residents are reminded that staying home, practising social distancing, and frequent hand washing will reduce the potential spread of COVID-19. Physical distancing and wearing of masks or cloth face coverings in public places is legally required.
Read our COVID-19 FAQs: Cayman Brac to understand what is permitted.
Little Cayman
Regulations under the Public Health Law place limited restrictions on activities in Little Cayman. There is currently no hard curfew or soft curfew, though physical distancing and wearing of masks or cloth face coverings (if physical distancing is impossible) in public places is legally required.
Read our COVID-19 FAQs: Little Cayman to understand what is permitted.
In public places, maintain six feet or two metres of distance from other people and wear a face mask or face covering when in public enclosed or indoor spaces.
In Grand Cayman, no more than two people may gather in public unless they live in the same household and private parties that include people from more than one household are banned at all times and in all places.
In Grand Cayman, you may exercise indoors in your private property and in your private yard space at any time. You may exercise outside your property for up to two hours a day between 5:15am and 7pm. The only exceptions are if you are exercising on the beach or swimming in the sea, which is restricted by surname and not allowed on Sundays. Read more.
Workforce Opportunities & Residency Cayman answers frequently asked questions on 15 April 2020. Read more
The Office of the Ombudsman is aware of concerns that individuals are seeking to identify, and even publicly expose, people who are infected with COVID-19. Aside from the moral, ethical and societal implications surrounding the stigma associated with naming and shaming another human being, there are legal implications if sensitive personal data is made public. Read more
Persons over the age of two must wear a face mask or face covering when in most public enclosed or indoor spaces as well as while in taxis or omnibuses or waiting for public transportation in a semi-enclosed space. There are limited exceptions. Read more.
Covering your nose and mouth in this way can only work in combination with frequent handwashing with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub and social distancing, which includes staying home as much as possible.
Individual businesses across all three Islands may have their own rules and refuse entry to customers that do not comply.
If you have an urgent need to travel between the Cayman Islands and any other destination, please click here to submit your information using our new online tool. Alternatively, contact 244-3333 Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm or email
Stay home as much as possible and only leave for essential trips in accordance with restrictions on movement by curfew and by surname in Grand Cayman. Local supplies are not running short. Only essential trips by one member of the household should be considered and children should stay home. Read more
As COVID-19 testing increases and local transmission numbers come down in the Cayman Islands, employers will need to consider how to manage safely the process of returning employees to the workplace. Whether indoors or outdoors, workplaces will be required to comply with government and health guidelines of social distancing and infection prevention practices to ensure the safety of their workers and the general public. Prior to the phased reopening of workplaces, businesses and employers should put in place health and safety measures of which employees, visitors and customers must follow.
Developed by the Ministry of Health in consultation with the Public Health Department, these guidelines provide measures to prevent the spread of any potential community cases and facilitate a phased and safe re-entry of Cayman’s workforce. The guidelines should be reviewed in light of current government guidance.
Policies In Action
The "hard" curfew remains in effect in Grand Cayman and Cayman Brac from 8pm in the evening until 4:30am in the morning each day.
Persons are required to remain in their homes and premises during these hours unless the Commissioner of Police has exempted them from doing so in writing.
In Little Cayman there is no hard curfew in effect at this time.
Grand Cayman
Referred to as "Shelter in Place", the daytime "soft" curfew in Grand Cayman allows reasonable movement of persons between 4:30am and 8pm for essential activities.
Access to pharmacies, healthcare facilities and restaurants to collect food is not restricted by surname. However, adults with surnames beginning in A through K are only allowed to conduct other essential travel to public places - including supermarkets, banks, post offices, money remittance facilities, retail businesses, and beaches for exercise - on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Adults with surnames beginning in L through Z are only allowed to conduct such essential travel on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Individuals with hyphenated or multiple surnames should use the first letter of the first surname.
You are also allowed to exercise outdoors - including walking a pet - for up to two hours between 5:15am and 7pm either alone or with other people who are members of the same residence. You may drive to your exercise location.
Read more on Curfew & Social Distancing
Cayman Brac
While the Shelter in Place regulation does not apply to Cayman Brac, there are some restrictions on activities. Read more in our COVID-19 FAQs: Cayman Brac.
Little Cayman
There are no restrictions on movement in Little Cayman. Read more in our COVID-19 FAQs: Little Cayman.
On Grand Cayman, persons are only to leave their homes for essential purposes or in the case of an emergency.
Only essential establishments, institutions, businesses, organisations and offices are allowed to be open and operate under a number of restrictions.
Grand Cayman
No more than two persons are allowed to gather in public for any reason. While in a public place, stay at least six feet or two metres from any other person who is not a member of your household, including while exercising outdoors. Private parties which include any person from outside of the immediate household are banned and strata gyms and all playgrounds are to remain closed.
Most essential businesses are exempt from the ban on public gatherings. However, the owner or operator must restrict the number of customers in order to maintain physical distancing.
Weddings are not to include 10 or more people other than the bride, groom, official witnesses and the marriage officer. Funerals are only allowed to be attended by up to 10 members of the immediate family, 6 pallbearers, at least 1 officiant, and essential mortuary staff.
While workplaces are not considered public places, only essential operations are open and even essential staff must work remotely at home if they are able.
Cayman Brac
No person shall hold any procession or festive ceremony until further notice. Public meetings may not include more than 25 people, including gatherings in any public place for parades, sporting events, concerts, conventions, conferences, graduations and fundraisers.
Inside public places, the owner or operator must restrict the number of customers at any one time so that each customer is able to distance himself or herself at least six feet or two metres from any other person.
People are required to maintain a distance of six feet or two metres from any other person in a public place. Masks or cloth face coverings are required indoors in most public places for persons over the age of two years.
Little Cayman
Inside public places, the owner or operator must restrict the number of customers at any one time so that each customer is able to distance himself or herself at least six feet or two metres from any other person.
If you are indoors in a public place, you must maintain a distance of at least six feet or two metres from another person unless you live in the same household. If unable to maintain a distance of six feet or two metres from every other person in a public place, masks or cloth face coverings are required indoors for persons over the age of two years.
Airports are currently closed to international passengers except for emergency flights, all cruise ships and private yachts are banned, and travel to the Sister Islands is restricted to residents and essential personnel. Read more.
Amendments to the National Pensions Law were passed in the Legislative Assembly on Thursday, 23 April 2020 to provide for a pension holiday from 1 April to 30 September 2020 or such later date as may be appointed by Order made by the Cabinet. Qualifying pension plan members may also withdraw funds from their account subject to certain provisions. Read more.
In addition to the establishment of the Cayman Islands Centre for Business Development, Government has implemented a number of measures to support local business and commerce. These include financial assistance for small and medium businesses and the transport industry, temporary waiver of Trade & Business Licensing fees, extension of the temporary layoff period for most industries, virtual conduct of notarial acts, and others. Read more.
We Work With
Stay at least 6 feet away from any other person, no matter where you are. Physical distancing is legally required in all public places. Read more
A number of important policies are in place to prevent, control and suppress COVID-19 in the Cayman Islands. Read more
What is COVID-19?
The Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus, which was first identified in Wuhan City, China in 2019. The COVID-19 virus (which is called SARS-CoV-2) is a member of the coronavirus family (a group of viruses) that has never been encountered before.
What Are the Symptoms?
The virus most commonly causes:
- coughing
- fever
- tiredness
- breathing difficulties
- loss of smell and taste
These symptoms are usually mild and begin gradually but commonly occur within 1-10 days after a person has been exposed.
Some people become infected but don’t develop any symptoms and don't feel unwell. Around 1 out of every 6 people who gets COVID-19 becomes seriously ill and develops difficulty breathing.
How Do I Get More Information?
This official Cayman Islands Government website includes a lot of helpful information that is constantly being updated, including a detailed explanation of the Daytime "Soft" Curfew and Nighttime "Hard" Curfew that are in place, answers to Frequently Asked Questions and details of Policies in Action. We also have a list of helplines for critical services.
If you have medical questions, many resources are available on this website and at If you can't find what you're looking for or have a question about your specific situation, contact your General Practitioner or the 24-hour Flu Hotline on 1-800-534-8600 or 925-6327 (Flow) or 947-3077 (Digicel) or email . If you have a medical emergency dial 911.
If you have a non-medical question and can't find the answer on this website, contact the National Emergency Operations Centre hotline on 1-800-534-6555 or email
Cayman Islands Community & COVID-19
We may be limited in our physical movements by practicing social distancing to stay safe. What you can still do is stay connected to your Cayman Community. Learn about what's happening with your neighbours and the community at large here.
Regional Tracker & WHO Situation Reports
Get updates from the Pan American Health Organization here. Get global updates from the World Health Organization here.